ChallengeAt Superior Food Services we understand the importance of our community. Families in pain and suffering are close to our hearts. Challenge, a not-for-profit organisation, provides daily support for children and families living with cancer or a life-threatening blood disorder. Join us in support of this worthy cause: it is out way of saying "we care".
Challenge helps our kids and families to remember there is more to life than just illness. You can help us support Challenge by donating your Signature Brand reward points.
More details regarding the great work undertaken by Challenge can be found on their website, Challenge.org.au.
Other Charity Ventures
Superior Food Service partners with many other charities nationwide to assist in the providing of goods and services. Over the years, we've been involved with local school charities, local disability services, FoodBank, OzHarvest, Bushfire Prevention and Charities and many more. If you would like to reach out to us regarding your charity venture, please email marketing@superiorfs.com.au